Monday, May 31, 2010

Lap Desks

Some people were asking me about the lap desks.  They are clear plastic document holders from Daiso ($2 each).  They are about an inch thick.  The clasps are not robust, and several students have snapped them off.  Some have stepped on their lap desks and cracked them or shattered them.  I do not replace them because I want students to take care of them (which may not happen if I just keep giving them new ones).  Some students have replaced them with zippered binders, but most like the light weight and convenience of the doc holders.   

The doc holders/lap desks have proven to be extremely versatile.  They hold pencils and the student planners, but not much more.  I noticed a few students are taking them to the library, and will take work outside and use the lap desks as something hard to write on.  They may even have become a source of pride. One girl takes her lap desk to assemblies where she likes to show it off.

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