Sunday, November 10, 2013

Classroom Designers Unite!

Okay, I admit it.  Once in a while, I google my own name.  I am always curious about what comes up and what rises to the top. Apparently, I am highly rated at a school at which I have never taught.  There is an apartment in Seattle which I never bought but I am on record as doing so.

One hit that really surprised me though was when my name came up in a site in Ireland. Going to the site, curiosity gave way to interest as it turned out to be a scholarly site about Classroom Design!  Then I got really excited as I read Caoimhe McMahon's post.  Caoimhe is a grad student who is investigating about how classroom environments impact posture and learning.

I was so happy to hear that someone is studying the effects of classroom design.  If you've been reading this blog, you know how I've been poking at classroom design for the past Couple of years but in an ad hoc way.  I feel really validated that serious study is being done on a subject that I am stumbling around in the dark about but still a subject that I feel has untapped value.

If you are like me, a homegrown classroom designer, check out Caoimhe's and other posts.

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